Would you like to Caco write only in english or english/portuguese? / Você gostaria que o Caco escrevesse em inglês ou inglês/português?
A Fucking Welcome to Everyone!!!
Hi there,
This is my brand new blog, i decided to make to be a part of my project to improve my skills in write and speak english.
So, if you read any word wrong, don´t mind and keep reading, is just to excercise and tell everyone how i´m feeling or what i thought the most of times.
I´m fuking lazzy to type all i am, but lets try:
I´m stubborn, ironic, cynical and need be right all the time.
On the other hand, i consider myself a good friend and boyfriend, a wise guy and good temperament in critical situations.
Its all i can say right now.
Cara, isso acontece direto comigo, aconteceu ontem alias.